
Is Your Genealogy Organized?

By May 31, 2021 No Comments

This is the genealogy question I have been asked more than any other.
Genealogy is fun when you can find things. But it can be very frustrating when you can’t find something you know you already have! You need a simple system for organizing pedigree charts, family group records, documents, notes and research tools so that you can quickly find them again.
One of the most fundamental and important principles for family history research is to organize and document as you go. Using Research Logs, Family group records, photocopies of most sources and well organized files.

A research notebook will help you keep organized. You need to have the research plan and to do list within reach to add those ideas and questions for follow up later.
Do you remember or maybe you still dig through piles of papers, trying to find what you are looking for?
A research notebook will help you keep all the pile of papers organized.
The research notebook will keep all your genealogy materials in one place.

Good logs help you resume research after a pause, and avoid re-using sources already tried. Being well organized saves you time.
Use a simple system to organize your family history files. Use a system that works for you. There are numbering systems, color coding systems, three ring binders, computer systems and programs.
Once you get your genealogy organized and as you do your research, keep it organized as you are working. I always say “Don’t put it down put it away”
Learn all the details of organizing your genealogy at www.genealogyeducationcenter.com for webinar’s “Organizing Your Genealogy” and “Preparing a Research Notebook”
Winona I laird
“Genealogy Granny”
Genealogy Education Center.com

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